Home SaltStack-Formulas Project Introduction

Deployment Preparation Guidelines

Let’s consider simple deployment of single configuration node with one application and one database node.

  • Config node [salt master]
  • Application node [python app]
  • Database node [postgres db]

To start the simple deployment you need first setup the Salt master. Installation of salt minions on controlled nodes is then very simple.

Salt Master Formulas

States are delivered by formulas and are stored in /srv/salt/env/<env>/ directory. Environment can be either production [prd] or development [dev]. This directory is correlates with salt_files root for given environment. You can serve multiple environments from single salt master at once, but this setup is not recommentded.

Usually production environment formulas are delivered by packages and development environment formulas are delivered by git sourced formulas.

|-- service1/
|   |-- itit.sls
|   |-- role1/
|   |   |-- service.sls
|   |   `-- resource.sls
|   `-- role2.sls
`-- service2/
    |-- itit.sls
    `-- role.sls

For example basic linux, python-app and openssh services for development environment in a little shortened version.

|-- linux/
|   |-- itit.sls
|   |-- system/
|   |   |-- repo.sls
|   |   `-- user.sls
|   `-- network/
|       |-- interface.sls
|       `-- host.sls
|-- python-app/
|   |-- itit.sls
|   |-- server.sls
`-- openssh/
    |-- itit.sls
    |-- server.sls
    `-- client.sls

More about structure and layout of the formulas can be found in Development documentation.

Salt Master Metadata

Metadata then define what state formulas in given specific context are projected to managed nodes.

Following trees shows simple metadata structure for simple python application deployment. Important parameters are cluster_name labeling individual deployments and cluster.domain giving the deployment nodes domain part of the FQDN.

|-- classes/
|   |-- cluster/
|   |   `-- deployment/
|   |       |-- infra/
|   |       |   `-- config.yml
|   |       |-- python_app/
|   |       |   |-- database.yml
|   |       |   `-- web.yml
|   |       `-- init.yml
|   |-- system/
|   |   |-- python_app/
|   |   |   `-- server/
|   |   |       |-- [dev|prd].yml
|   |   |       `-- [single|cluster].yml
|   |   |-- postgresql/
|   |   |   `-- server/
|   |   |       |-- cluster.yml
|   |   |       `-- single.yml
|   |   |-- linux/
|   |   |   `-- system/
|   |   |       `-- init.yml
|   |   `-- deployment2.yml
|   `-- service/
|       |-- linux/ [formula metadata]
|       |-- python-app/ [formula metadata]
|       `-- openssh/ [formula metadata]
`-- nodes/
    `-- cfg.cluster.domain.yml

You start with defining single node cfg.cluster.domain in nodes directory and that is core node pointing to your cluster.deploy.infra.config class.

Content of the nodes/cfg.cluster.domain.yml file:

- cluster.deploy.infra.config
    reclass_data_revision: master
      name: cfg01
      domain: cluster.domain

Contains pointer to class cluster.deploy.infra.config and some basic parameters.

Content of the classes/cluster/deploy/infra/config.yml file:

- system.openssh.client
- system.salt.master.git
- system.salt.master.formula.git
- system.reclass.storage.salt
- cluster.cluster_name
    salt_master_base_environment: dev
    reclass_data_repository: git@git.domain.com:reclass-models/salt-model.git
    salt_master_environment_repository: "https://github.com/salt-formulas"
    reclass_data_revision: master
    reclass_config_master: ${_param:infra_config_deploy_address}
    single_address: ${_param:infra_config_address}
          name: app01
          domain: ${_param:cluster_domain}
          - cluster.${_param:cluster_name}.python_app.application
            salt_master_host: ${_param:reclass_config_master}
            single_address: ${_param:python_application_node01_single_address}
            database_address: ${_param:python_database_node01_single_address}
          name: dbs01
          domain: ${_param:cluster_domain}
          - cluster.${_param:cluster_name}.python_app.database
            salt_master_host: ${_param:reclass_config_master}
            single_address: ${_param:python_database_node01_single_address}

More about structure and layout of the metadata can be found in Metadata chapter.