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Formula Versioning

Current versioning system is date based same as Saltstack versioning using format YYYY-MM-R (year-month-revision) where revision is minor release that increments of 1 starting at 0.

Creating New Release

Releasing is currently not automatic and is up to maintainer of individual formula.

To automate the tasks needed to make a new release, there are unified targets in Makefile that should be present in each formula repository.

See make help for more information, there are release-major and release-minor targets. First one will create new major release by current date. Second will raise revision of current major release.

Example use and output:

$ make release-minor
Current version is 2017.2, new version is 2017.2.1
echo "2017.2.1" > VERSION
sed -i 's,version: .*,version: "2017.2.1",g' metadata.yml
[ ! -f debian/changelog ] || dch -v 2017.2.1 -m --force-distribution -D `dpkg-parsechangelog -S Distribution` "New version"
make genchangelog-2017.2.1
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/filip/src/salt-formulas/formulas/letsencrypt'
(echo "=========\nChangelog\n=========\n"; \
(echo 2017.2.1;git tag) | sort -r | grep -E '^[0-9\.]+' | while read i; do \
    cur=$i; \
    test $i = 2017.2.1 && i=HEAD; \
    prev=`(echo 2017.2.1;git tag)|sort|grep -E '^[0-9\.]+'|grep -B1 "$cur\$"|head -1`; \
    echo "Version $cur\n=============================\n"; \
    git log --pretty=short --invert-grep --grep="Merge pull request" --decorate $prev..$i; \
    echo; \
done) > CHANGELOG.rst
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/filip/src/salt-formulas/formulas/letsencrypt'
(git add -u; git commit -m "Version 2017.2.1")
[master 4859e22] Version 2017.2.1
 4 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 rewrite CHANGELOG.rst (98%)
git tag -s -m 2017.2.1 2017.2.1

$ git show
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin --tags