Service classification

Pillar is an interface for Salt designed to offer global values that are distributed to all minions. The ext_pillar option allows for any number of external pillar interfaces to be called to populate the pillar data.

Pillar metadata

Pillar data is managed in a similar way as the Salt State Tree. It is the default metadata source for

Reclass reclass

Reclass is an “external node classifier” (ENC) for Salt, Ansible or Puppet and has ability to merge data sources in recursive way and interpolate variables. I

reclass installation

First we will install the application and then configure it.

cd /tmp
git clone
cd reclass
python install
mkdir /etc/reclass
vim /etc/reclass/reclass-config.yml

And set the content to the following to setup reclass as salt-master metadata source.

storage_type: yaml_fs
pretty_print: True
output: yaml
inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt/reclass

To test reclass you can use CLI to get the complete service catalog or